Some girls are suckers for guys who play the guitar. I, on the other hand, am a sucker for guys who play the banjo. I'm obsessed! The banjo is such a
beautiful and unique instrument. Take me to a bluegrass concert with guys who
can really jam out on the banjo, and you will find me swooning.
I know, I know, the banjo does not have the best reputation
thanks to that good ole’ movie Deliverance. (Cue “Dueling Banjos.”)
And also, many people associate the banjo with southern
bumpkin country music, and I know how most people feel about that...
But trust me when I say that the banjo is so much more than that! It really is a
lovely instrument. It just needs a good musician to accentuate its beauty. Allow me to introduce to you my top five favorite swoon
worthy banjo players.
Sufjan Stevens
Oh, Sufjan, my love. I can go on and on
about this man, but I will try to keep it brief. I really have Sufjan to thank
for my love of the banjo. There is something so pleasant and soothing about the
way he plays the banjo. Not to mention the banjo looks awesome paired with
giant wings. But seriously, check out the songs “Seven Swans” and “For The Widows In Paradise; For The Fatherless
In Ypsilanti” if you want to be blown away.
2. Winston Marshall (Mumford and Sons)
Scott Avett
Andy Bernard (The Office)
Replace singing show
tunes with playing a banjo and you got me.
Words cannot
describe how much I would love Andy Bernard even if he didn’t play the banjo,
so the fact that he plays the banjo (and sings show tunes) makes me love him
even more. Trust me, that is a whole lot of love. What’s not to love about a
goofy, fun guy who plays the banjo? On top of all that, he covers Kermit the Frog which
brings me to my last point.
Kermit the Frog
Kermit the Frog can serenade me any day he wants to
with “Rainbow Connection” on his banjo. Miss Piggy has got herself a man! Talk
about the original. I am speaking for all of the above, but I am pretty sure
Kermit the Frog inspired all of the above mentioned men to learn how to play the
banjo (I know he inspired Andy for sure!) Thank you Kermit! I don’t know where my musical tastes would be without you.
So there you have it folks. The banjo is so much more than creepy, country, and bumpkin. Although I will admit, in the wrong hands it can be all of that, but in the right hands, it is so much better! And I think you will find the right hands are mentioned above. Don’t hold onto those preconceived notions about the banjo, and check these guys out!
Sigh… Banjos.
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